Acupressure Helps Treat Diseases While Promoting Relaxation of the Body

main of Benefits of Acupressure

Acupressure is not the same thing as acupuncture. However, it runs on the same theory of the energy flowing through the meridian or the acupressure points. Acupressure can be self-taught and done at home. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is best left to professionals. The needles are very tiny, and it can be difficult to stick them in unreachable areas. The main difference between the two is that acupuncture involves needles, and acupressure involves fingers and hands.

Again, both are built on the idea that the qui (“chee” or vital energy) flows in and out of the body’s meridian points. If you’re perfectly balanced, the qui is able to flow freely, promoting optimal health. However, when it’s blocked, there’s a lack of oxygen and nutrients, hindering the qui. There’s a risk of developing a disease if this is not corrected. However, both acupressure and acupuncture also help alleviate diseases.

How Does Acupressure Work?

Acupressure is often thought of as the massage version of acupuncture. Practitioners use their fingers, hands, elbows, or special devices on the meridian points or acupoints. Though, unlike acupuncture, it doesn’t involve needles. Sometimes, some stretching and other techniques are involved. There are various techniques of acupressure, such as Shiatsu and Tuina. The latter is the most common technique.

Practitioners are trained to be quite precise. About 365 points are located in major organs, such as the liver. Hence, they don’t want to risk any damage to those organs.

The practitioner often holds the pressure for several seconds to a few minutes. They often move in circular motions to push the acupoints in and out. Some clients may feel discomfort at some points. It can feel a little painful. However, it shouldn’t be super painful.

Where are Body Acupoints?

There are hundreds of acupoints but the three most commonly targeted by practitioners are:

  • Large Intestine Four-the space between the thumb and forefinger
  • Liver Three-the space between the big toe and the second toe
  • Spleen Six-three finger spaces above the ankle bone

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are 12 main meridians.

The three yin of the arms:

  • Heart
  • Lung
  • Pericardium-or the layered membrane that encloses the heart

The three yang of the arms:

  • Small intestine
  • Large intestine
  • Sanjiao-located on the back of the forearm

The three yin of the legs:

  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Spleen

The three yang of the legs:

  • Bladder
  • Gall bladder
  • Stomach

These are the channels through which the qui flows in and out. They are all interconnected as they are branches of the body.

Benefits of Acupressure

First, acupressure relaxes the body, allowing the blood to flow more freely. This means that the client can breathe more freely and toxins are more easily flushed out. Beyond that, it has shown some promise in relieving sports injuries when pressure is applied to the wrists.

In cancer patients, it has also shown promise in the relief of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Aside from the central nervous and circulatory systems, acupressure also stimulates the hormonal and lymphatic systems. It has been reported to help with everything from relaxation to digestive issues.

Every case is different. Significant results are known to occur within one session. However, some need multiple sessions before significant improvement occurs. It usually depends on the severity of the case.

How Does Acupressure Help in Treating Diseases?

Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique connected to the Tao belief system that human beings are connected to their environment. Changes to the environment from weather to changes in lifestyle affect the qui. They affect us on the whole-meaning physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. So do thought patterns. Tao theorizes that it is all interconnected.

When trauma, abuse or negative thought patterns occur, they are believed to cause blockage to the meridian points. When this occurs, the blood can’t flow as well and that part of the body can’t receive oxygen or nutrients as well. Pain, inflammation, spasms and tingling especially are all considered to be warning signs of a block. This is what acupressure helps to correct.

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