Baby Monitors Ensure Your Sleeping Child Is Still Supervised

main of Baby Monitors Ensure Your Sleeping Child Is Still Supervised

Whether you just had your first child or your fifth child, as a parent you are constantly taking steps to keep your child safe. From sterilizing bottles, putting up baby gates, placing locks on cabinet drawers, following the experts' recommendations for safe sleep, and so much more, your child or children's safety is clearly important to you.

Investing in a good baby monitor is yet one more way you can work to make sure your precious little one stays safe, even when they're sleeping. Baby monitors are designed to make it possible for parents and other caregivers to supervise and check on a child when they are alone in their nursery. They are the perfect solution for parents who want their baby to develop good sleep habits and learn to sleep on their own, but also want to be able to make sure their baby is safe and secure when they are alone.

Benefits of a Good Baby Monitor

There are a wide array of benefits associated with using a baby monitor. First, and foremost, you'll be able to clearly hear your baby. Depending on the layout of your home and where you are in relation to the nursery, you may not be able to hear your baby if they cry. A monitor will make their cries louder, so you'll know when they need you. Sometimes babies wake up from their nap and may coo or chatter, rather than crying. These sounds may be near impossible to hear without a baby monitor.

Another benefit of baby monitors is that they let you talk to your baby or child through the camera in their room. This can be very useful in calming a crying baby without physically going into their room or letting a toddler know you'll be up to get them soon.

You also can't forget about the personal benefits you'll enjoy when you know your child is safe in their room. You'll be able to sleep better or focus on your other tasks during the day rather than worrying about whether or not your child is OK.

Audio vs. Video Baby Monitors

As you shop for a baby monitor, you'll notice that there are two main options to consider: audio baby monitors and video baby monitors. Audio video monitors only provide audio into a room to let you hear a baby or child, while video baby monitors offer both audio and video.

Audio video monitors may be sufficient for some needs, but in most cases video monitors offer a greater benefit. Being able to see your child, in addition to hearing them, provides you with greater information about their actions and safety.

Many parents feel the urge to check on a new baby's breathing to make sure they're doing OK. However, walking into the room to check on them often wakes them up, and interrupts their nap. With a video monitor, you may be able to see the rise and fall of your child's chest to confirm they are indeed still breathing, without the need to go in and wake them up.

When a baby is crying, it can sometimes be challenging to tell whether they're going to be able to calm themselves down to get back to sleep or whether you'll need to go in to help soothe them. Older babies who can pull themselves up to sit or stand, may be less likely to go back to sleep if they're in an upright position. With a video baby monitor, you can check to see whether your baby is still lying down and likely to self soothe, or if they're sitting or standing up and you should go check on them.

Finally, video baby monitors can also work as a nanny cam. Many video monitors connect to smartphones and can allow you to monitor your child from afar. If there is a babysitter or nanny in the room with them, you can check on the care they are providing your child when you are away from the house.

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