A Massage Chair Puts Some Added Comfort Into Your Home

main of A Massage Chair Puts Some Added Comfort Into Your Home

After people have had a hard day at work or find themselves with various aches and pains, they may be dreaming of a relaxing massage. While it may not be possible to have their own personal massage therapist, buying a massage chair for their home may be the next best thing. Ergonomically-designed and made to fit the contours of a person's body, massage chairs contain state-of-the-art technology that lets them vibrate and simulate the feel of a natural massage. A fantastic way to relax, having a massage chair in a home adds a level of comfort that will be much appreciated at the end of a long day.

Massage Chair Features

When it's time to start shopping for a massage chair, buyers should always look for certain features. Some of the most common include:

  • Easy to use remote control or control panel
  • Integrated computer and memory functions
  • Heated seat
  • Different types of massages
  • Head and neck reclining capability

If a massage chair comes with memory functions and an integrated computer, this can make the task of getting a massage much easier. Rather than having to hope they remember the exact combination of massages they previously used to get relief, users can instead simply program their preferences into the chair's computer, where it will be saved and ready for use at the touch of a button.

Also, since various types of massages can offer different kinds of relief and concentrate more on specific parts of the body, it is a good idea to purchase a chair that offers different types of massages. The most common types of massages found in these chairs include:

  • Swedish
  • Zone
  • Air compression
  • Shiatsu

Depending on individual needs and preferences, getting different forms of massage can have a huge impact. For example, while Swedish uses a combination of gentle touch and deep pressure, shiatsu delivers quick bursts of pressure on select parts of a person's back.

Benefits of Using a Massage Chair

For people who may think a massage chair is nothing more than a glorified heated recliner, they need to take a closer look at the many benefits that can be gained from regular use of a massage chair. In fact, these chairs offer numerous benefits to people who rely on them regularly, such as:

  • Improved circulation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Relief from headaches and back pain
  • Better posture
  • Stronger immune system
  • Help ease depression

For people who suffer from headaches or chronic muscle and neck pain, massage chairs can combine body heating with various massage techniques to bring tremendous amounts of relief. As for strengthening the immune system, research has shown that when people receive a 45-minute massage, the white blood cells that protect the body against disease increase. Last but not least, a relaxing massage helps to release the hormones that make people happy and keep depression at bay.

Popular Models of Massage Chairs

Since there are many types of massage chairs on the market today, knowing which models are the most popular and have the best features can be difficult. But as people have used them more and more in recent years, some have emerged as better than others. In 2021, the most popular models of massage chairs include:

  • Osaki OS Champ
  • RelaxOnChair MK-Classic
  • HoMedics Shiatsu Elite II

For those who are seeking the ultimate massage from their chair, the Osaki OS Champ should be in their home. Made with ample amounts of padding, it allows users to recline until they are completely supine. With a heating feature that puts most other massage chairs to shame, it has a three-year warranty and massages well from head to toe. As for the RelaxOn, it's good, but the remote control is not as user-friendly as the Osaki, and it's also not quite as warm. However, it does get high marks for being comfortable and sturdy. Finally, should folks want a massage in various parts of their home, the HoMedics is a good buy. A portable chair that massages the back and neck, it can be easily folded up and carried from room to room. Once a massage chair finds its way into a person's home, comfort and relaxation are only moments away.

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