Good Hand Cream Can Keep Your Hands Moist and Looking Great

main of Good Hand Cream Can Keep Your Hands Moist and Looking Great

Hands are involved in almost every task, including texting, eating, working, caressing, etc. But people don't always take excellent care of them as they should. It is no wonder they are the first parts of the body to show signs of weathering due to too much exposure to the elements. With the recent pandemic, applying sanitizer or washing hands many times during the day has become normal. This has contributed to the hands becoming drier than usual.

Fortunately, there is an abundance of skin softening and ultra-hydrating hand creams available in the market, which, when applied consistently, can ward off the signs of damage. No matter the budget, there is a hand cream for everyone, even bargain buyers. The lotions work well in keeping the hands soft and hydrated and are worth it in the long run.

Benefits of Hands Creams

Hand lotions keep hands clean as they are hygienic. It is not uncommon for germs to linger even after washing and drying hands. Thankfully, the antibacterial chemicals present in the cream eliminates airborne germs from hands.

Hand lotions contain a natural fragrance that gives the skin a pleasant scent. Most prefer personalized scents that suit their style and make them feel confident whenever they apply. Such creams with pleasant fragrances are also available in the market.

Components within hand lotions make the skin smooth by treating dryness. It does so by flattening the microscopic cracks rendering the skin rough and sensitive. This helps to improve the vitality and health of the skin in the long term. Not only do hand creams make the skin smooth, but they also make it supple.

Some hand lotions contain anti-aging components which improves the skin's elasticity and moisture balance. The anti-aging ingredients prevent the escalation of wrinkle formation, giving the skin a more radiant and youthful texture.

Common Ingredients

A good cream restores flaky hands by moisturizing and keeping them soft. Some of the ingredients that a hand cream should have include:

  • Vitamin E - This is a popular ingredient used in most hand sanitizers and hand creams. Vitamin E is good for the skin as it's a gentle antioxidant that helps restore the cells. The ingredient also has some hydrating and healing benefits.
  • Aloe Vera - Aloe vera helps to soothe, calm, and maintain the natural firmness of the skin. This ingredient has hydrating factors.
  • Hyaluronic Acid - Hyaluronic acid has a fast and hydrating action that keeps the skin's collagen and elastin moist and functioning, thus helping the skin look supple and youthful. People with oily skin that breaks out easily should get a hand cream with this ingredient because it is lightweight, non-oily, and safe for acne-prone complexions.

Popular Hand Creams

There’s a lot of options when it comes to hand creams. Some of the most popular and beloved include: 

  1. EltaMD So Silky Hand Crème - EltaMD So Silky Hand Crème combines active ingredients including ceramides and vitamin E to nourish the skin. The lotion also contains sclareolide, a plant-derived ingredient that combats hyperpigmentation.
  2. Bioderma Hand and Nail Cream - People with parched, scaly hands find this cream satisfying. The lotion has healing properties and helps the skin look healthier and younger. The cream is also recommended for healing stubborn hangnails or softening cuticles, so they are easy to cut.

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