Mending Clothes Instead of Replacing Them Can Save a Lot of Money

main of Mending Clothes Instead of Replacing Them Can Save a Lot of Money

Clothing, especially if you're interested in fashion, can quickly add up to become very expensive. Even if you're shopping at thrift stores, getting good pieces that fit very cheap is difficult, if not impossible.

Luckily, there are options. One of the most popular alternatives to buying more clothes is mending or flipping clothing. In just a simple search of almost any social media, you will be able to find countless thrift flips, as they're called, as they rise in popularity.

Don't let this stop you. Although it may be intimidating to get started, mending and altering clothing doesn't have to be hard. If you start small and work up to bigger projects, you'll soon be able to fix anything, which comes with a great sense of accomplishment and pride.

Benefits of Mending Clothings

There are many benefits of mending clothing. Think of all the reasons you pass up or throw out an item of clothing. It doesn't fit; it isn't your style; it's ripped or worn out in some way. Most of these issues can be fixed if you can mend your clothes.

If something doesn't fit, you can use it for scraps. Alternatively, you can adjust it until it does. This issue is probably the problem that is most difficult to solve. Still, knowing how to mend can help. If you learn how to fix clothing, you are a step away from making your own, so if you have clothing you've grown out of, use it to fix other clothing or use it to make new clothing.

If it isn't your style, it's easy to flip it to fit your new style. There are countless ideas on the internet for different flips you could try. If it's ripped, you can mend it. That saves you from having to spend money on buying more clothes.

Useful Mending Techniques

There are a number of easy mending techniques that can lengthen the lives of their items of clothing. The simplest is thread and needle. If an item is ripped or torn, you can use a simple needle and thread to mend it. Turn the item inside out and create a new seam with the torn fabric and sew it together. There is a small seam, but it is much less noticeable. It's even less noticeable if you get a tear along an existing seam.

Another mending technique is hemming. This technique is more to alter clothing than to mend ripped clothing, but it is still simple and helpful. Don't pass up that pair of jeans because the legs are a little too long; instead, you should hem them. Just turn the garment inside out, fold up the bottom of the item, and measure it. Make sure it's even on every side, and sew around the entire hem. You can cut off the excess fabric or leave it if you might want to restore the longer hem at some point.

Popular Sewing Machine Models

Singer sewing machines are a great investment because they have a high number of stitches per minute. This can make any project go quickly and can cut down on leaning over the sewing machine, straining your eyes and your back.

Brother sewing machines are especially great for beginners. Their stitches are very accurate, and they can compete with other models on more advanced projects. A brother machine can help you enter the mending world with ease, and it can grow with you.

Husqvarna is a higher-tech brand that's built for more advanced people, but it is a dream for people who are prepared for it. Husqvarna specializes in computerized machines that can help you complete better projects faster. If you are interested in sewing, and you are more experienced, this is the dream machine.

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